
The Trees Sing For Joy — 9 Comments

  1. I’ve heard creation sing for joy in a sunrise at Grand Canyon, and I’ve heard creation sing when the sun breaks through the clouds and strikes the Grand Teton mountains. God has, indeed, made His creation sing for joy!

  2. I hear creation sing for joy every time I hear a bird sing, a dog barking, an owl hooting, the sounds of horses, cattle, sheep and pigs, the rain hitting the roof of my porch, a wave crashing up on shore, the wind blowing in a storm, during every gorgeous sunrise and sunset. All of this reminds me of God’s glory and how they all sing to Him in different ways. This is how we all should be.

  3. Yes! I feel so close to God in nature. The sky, mountains, water, ocean, He is the Great I Am!

  4. Every time I see a beautiful sunset, or rain storm, I think of an Alan Jackson song, When God paints, birds sing.