“The LORD is exalted, for He dwells on high. He has filled Zion with justice and righteousness. He will be the stability of your times, a wealth of salvation, wisdom and knowledge; The fear of the LORD is his treasure.” Isaiah 33:5, 6 When we consider the state of current events and the level of corruption in today’s politicians, Isaiah 33:5 and 6 are good Bible verses to ponder. God dwells on High. No person nor thing is greater than Him. No matter what happens, God remains in control. When our times feel rocky and unstable, He remains stable. He forever stands as a unwavering force and loving Father we can hold on to. Isaiah 33 speaks of God judges the unrighteous and saves the righteous. Click to read Isaiah 33. “For the LORD knows the way of the righteous.” Psalm 1:6a Sometimes it may seem difficult to follow God, but Psalm 1 tells us that God knows the way of the righteous. He knows the path you walk on. Even though you may feel unsure or slip at times, take heart, God is always watching over you. God knows our struggles as we walk with Him. He knows that life brings us lots of discouragement, disappointment and of course temptation, but the Lord is there for us during those times. As verses 1-3 explain, God prospers those who delight in His ways and follow them. Read all of Psalm 1. Proverbs 14:30a and the Historic Missouri River through Snow Covered Trees, Fontenelle Forest, Nebraska. “A tranquil heart is life to the body.” Proverbs 14:30a A Tranquil Heart in the Rush of Life Snow brings the rush of life to a … Continue reading → God: The Stability of Our Time
Isaiah 33:5, 6 and Mount Gould, Glacier National Park, Montana
God’s Unshakable Stability
The Way of the Righteous
Psalm 1:6a and a Snowy Road Chalco Hills Park, Nebraska.
God Knows Way of the Righteous
Peace and a Tranquil Heart
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Genesis 1:20 and a Seagull Flying above the Surf, Melbourne Beach, Florida. “And God said, ‘Let the waters swarm with swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth … Continue reading → Isaiah 49:10 and a Stream in the Hoh Rainforest, Olympic National Park, Washington State. “They will not hunger or thirst, nor will the scorching heat or sun strike them down; … Continue reading → Let the Birds Fly
God’s Springs of Water
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A Different Kind of Bible Verse of the Day
Welcome to the Visual Bible Verse of the Day. My name is Pasquale Mingarelli. Six days a week I post a Scripture verse or passage along with a picture of nature. The two together work to encourage people through God’s Word and God’s creation. I desire to reach people around the world with this daily Bible verse and creation photo so they may know the greatness and goodness of God.
As an outdoor photographer I spend a lot of time outside. I enjoy spending time in nature even when I’m not taking pictures. My family and I like to go for walks or hikes to enjoy the beauty of just being outside. Often, I bring along my Bible and a journal to reflect about God during a hike or walk. As a result, I have learned that God speaks to us through His creation and the creation speaks to us about God.
The Bible tells us that creation reveals many of God’s attributes (Romans 1:20 and Psalm 19). Through nature we see God’s power, transcendence, majesty, glory, beauty, provision and so much more. May these pictures and daily Bible devotional help you to see these qualities of God reveled through His creation.
Ways to receive The Visual Bible Verse of the Day
The Visual Bible Verse of the Day comes to you free of charge. You can visit this site daily or sign up to receive the Scripture verses and pictures by email. What’s nice is that you can control how often you receive The Visual Bible Verse of the Day. When you visit the free subscription you’ll see several options. The first one allows people to receive the Scripture verse and picture daily. But for those who want to limit the quantity of emails I offer a three day a week option and a two day a week option.
A little Bit About Me
Before jumping into nature photography I worked as a newspaper photographer and then joined the missionary organization Campus Crusade for Christ (now called Cru). I worked as a photojournalist with Campus Crusade’s magazine,Worldwide Challenge. While working with the magazine, I had photo assignments in seven different countries and 24 different states. Traveling and photographing in the U.S. and internationally, gave me a wealth of knowledge and experience about life, people, and culture.
Today, I work as full-time freelance photographer, teach photography part-time and work as creation speaker. But as a result of my days with Campus Crusade, I still have a heart and passion for ministry. I want to bless people through my photography and Bible verse of the day. I hope you enjoy this site! Finally, I encourage you to get outside to enjoy God’s creation and dig into God’s Word daily. Blessings!