
Remember the Children — 15 Comments

  1. God bless you to bring this forward. We Christ followers must stand up to the barbaric practices of the killing of the unborn!

  2. Thank you for sharing this beautiful photo of your daughter, and you’re boldness in sharing your heart

  3. Amen and Amen! Thank you for speaking out God’s truth, not man’s acceptance!
    Really enjoying these devotional’s! God bless you and yours!!

    • Hi Deborah. Thanks for your encouraging comment! And I’m glad you enjoy reading the devotionals. It’s my pleasure to bring them to you.

  4. My wife and I are adoptive parents of a boy and a girl. We would have never been parents if our children’s mothers had chosen abortion and the world would be a much lesser place without them as they are fine adults with families of their own. Your words are God’s words and I thank you for speaking the truth.

    • Adoption is a great thing. We know that it’s difficult to find children available to adopt these days because many women choose abortion. We are grateful that the birth mother of our daughter chose life and adoption. What would happen if politicians pushed adoption more than they do abortion? Perhaps more childless parents would have the opportunity to adopt.

  5. Thank you brother for faithfully speaking God’s truth, even when (especially when) it is neither convenient nor pleasant. God’s ways are not our natural ways, but He gave us the Truth of His Word for good reasons. The world needs more believers who are willing to lovingly, yet boldly speak the WHOLE counsel of God, not skipping over the tougher parts of His counsel, chiefly due to fear of man or other human reasons. God bless and protect you and your family as you speak up for Him!

    • Hi John. Thanks for your comments. We always need more people willing to stand up for the things of God. Thank you for doing that! I hope things are going well for you and your family with your new direction in life. I miss getting your monthly updates.

    • Thanks Ed! It was on my heart to write this because I am saddened by what I see in some “Christians” and what they are willing to accept. They don’t want to stand up for life, and that’s sad.

  6. I thank God and commend you for your courage in posting this message on your website. I don’t understand how anyone who identifies as a believer in Jesus Christ could support Kamala Harris or the Democrats. God is the Lord of Life and every child, born or unborn is precious in His sight.

    • Thank you Steve. I don’t understand it either. How could a believer sell out their faith and vote for a politician who supports abortion.

      But I do know this, the abortion industry, and the politicians who support it, are really good at lying. Anybody willing to kill children has no morals, and since they have no morals, they lie after lie after lie. And if someone is not wise and discerning, they will easily fall for the lies.