“He who loves purity of heart and whose speech is gracious, the king is his friend.” Proverbs 22:11 Nothing is more pure than new fallen snow. Several Bible verses use snow to symbolize purity, righteousness and the holiness of God. When we possess a pure heart we do things without selfish motivation. Those with a pure heart remain grateful and humble before the Lord. Dear God, may all of my actions come from a pure heart. Amen. Read Proverbs 22 in context. Read more about how snow symbolizes purity. Click to subscribe to the Visual Verse of the Day. You will be blessed. Photographing snow can result in some beautiful images. Falling snow and new fallen snow convey a magical quality that inspires photographers to get outside and get some photos. But photographing snow also presents various challenges. As I mentioned in my mid-December blog post and newsletter, I enjoy photographing snow. Its magical qualities captivate me, and I looked forward to photographing each winter’s snow. Unfortunately, I live in a state that does not get much snow. I live in Nebraska. It gets cold, but we don’t get a lot of snow. When it does snow, I need to make the most of the limited opportunities living in Nebraska presents. When those opportunities come, I need to overcome the challenges of photographing snow brings. Here are somethings I have learned. If you understood how to shoot RAW photos, set your camera to take RAW exposures. This will help you make changes to your photograph’s exposure on a computer using post processing software like Photoshop or Photoshop Elements. You can also make raw photos with your iPhone, by using Apple ProRaw. Read this article on Outdoor Photographer for more information on Apple ProRAW. If you’d like to know more about drawing near to God through photography, sign up for my newsletter. Psalm 18:31-32 and a Mother Mountain Goat & Kid, Glacier National Park, Montana. “For who is God, but the Lord? And who is a rock, except our God? The God who girds me with strength and makes my way blameless? … Continue reading → Live with Purity of Heart
Proverbs 22:11 and a Snow Covered Stream and Trees, Fontenelle Forest, Bellevue, Nebraska.
True Purity of Heart
Eight Tips for Photographing Snow
Photographing Snow
God Gives Us Hinds’ Feet
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2 Kings 19:15-16 and the Valley of Upper Beaver Meadows, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado “Hezekiah prayed before the Lord and said, ‘O Lord, the God of Israel, who are … Continue reading → Psalm 24:3-5 and White-tailed Deer Buck, Chalco Hills State Recreation Area, Nebraska. “Who may ascend into the hill of the LORD? And who may stand in His holy place? He … Continue reading → Over All Kingdoms and Kings
Keep a Pure Heart Before God
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A Different Kind of Bible Verse of the Day
Welcome to the Visual Bible Verse of the Day. My name is Pasquale Mingarelli. Six days a week I post a Scripture verse or passage along with a picture of nature. The two together work to encourage people through God’s Word and God’s creation. I desire to reach people around the world with this daily Bible verse and creation photo so they may know the greatness and goodness of God.
As an outdoor photographer I spend a lot of time outside. I enjoy spending time in nature even when I’m not taking pictures. My family and I like to go for walks or hikes to enjoy the beauty of just being outside. Often, I bring along my Bible and a journal to reflect about God during a hike or walk. As a result, I have learned that God speaks to us through His creation and the creation speaks to us about God.
The Bible tells us that creation reveals many of God’s attributes (Romans 1:20 and Psalm 19). Through nature we see God’s power, transcendence, majesty, glory, beauty, provision and so much more. May these pictures and daily Bible devotional help you to see these qualities of God reveled through His creation.
Ways to receive The Visual Bible Verse of the Day
The Visual Bible Verse of the Day comes to you free of charge. You can visit this site daily or sign up to receive the Scripture verses and pictures by email. What’s nice is that you can control how often you receive The Visual Bible Verse of the Day. When you visit the free subscription you’ll see several options. The first one allows people to receive the Scripture verse and picture daily. But for those who want to limit the quantity of emails I offer a three day a week option and a two day a week option.
A little Bit About Me
Before jumping into nature photography I worked as a newspaper photographer and then joined the missionary organization Campus Crusade for Christ (now called Cru). I worked as a photojournalist with Campus Crusade’s magazine,Worldwide Challenge. While working with the magazine, I had photo assignments in seven different countries and 24 different states. Traveling and photographing in the U.S. and internationally, gave me a wealth of knowledge and experience about life, people, and culture.
Today, I work as full-time freelance photographer, teach photography part-time and work as creation speaker. But as a result of my days with Campus Crusade, I still have a heart and passion for ministry. I want to bless people through my photography and Bible verse of the day. I hope you enjoy this site! Finally, I encourage you to get outside to enjoy God’s creation and dig into God’s Word daily. Blessings!