
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made — 7 Comments

  1. Yes, Pat, I will pray for them. We must as Christians first stand as pro-life and pro-love, and we must as decent human beings realize the value God places on each one of us. It breaks my heart

  2. “Even worse, if that child some how survives the abortion, the doctor is to set him aside until he dies. Sounds satanic to me.” Incredibly disturbing!

  3. Babies are so precious I don’t understand laws how they don’t care they weren’t aborted what gives the right

  4. Dear God, forgive America for our horrific sin of slaughtering 62.5 million babies since Roe v Wade in 1973. Help us turn to You and repent. Then, and only then, will You hear from Heaven and heal our land. Thank you for the precious gift of life.