Seek His Kingdom and His Way
Luke 12:30b-31 and a Trail in the Hoh Rainforest, Olympic National Park, Washington State.
“Your Father knows that you need these things. But seek His kingdom, and these things will be added to you.” Luke 12:30b-31
Seek His Kingdom
Many things in our lives compete for our attention. Somethings hit us even deeper and compete for our hearts. Many of the them are just plain bad and we should never do them. Those are things are obvious like excess drinking, lustful behavior, selfishness, greed, jealousy and other ungodly behaviors.
But somethings that start out harmless, innocent and even beneficial can someday come to consume us. Things like hard work, exercise, tidiness, relationships and ministry are examples of good things that can come to rule one’s life. Anything we pursue in life can compete with the attention we need to give only to God.
The Bible says to seek God’s kingdom first and follow His path. When we do, we discover that there is no better path to follow. For our God is a righteous God. He meets our needs and leads in the ways we should go.
Read all of Luke 12.
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