
God’s Splendor and Majesty — 4 Comments

  1. Absolutely astounding how we sometimes take for granted such incredible beauty as you have captured here! We drive by in our haste to go and do rather than stop and marvel at God’s goodness. As always, your photographs inspire me, but some just take my breath away 🙂

  2. I share your wonderful devotional with our country Church fb site. Thank you. I get two devotionals, one post with your middle initial seems to work. The one without your untial posts the devotional link but not the photo from time to time. Has anyone mentioned this before? Shalom in Jesus Pastor Richard Corwin Bethany Illinois

    • Hi Pastor Richard. I post to Facebook twice a day and sometimes three times if I have something extra to post. One of my two post is a direct link to the post on my website. Later in the day I post a second post that is just a photo and the verse posted directly to Facebook with no page link. I do this for three reasons. One reason is that most people never even go to my website and only read what I post directly on Facebook. The second reason is because some people go on Facebook at different times during the day. Posting more than once a day allows me to connect with more people. And the third reason is due to Facebook’s algorithm. I won’t go into that here because it’s complicated.

    • And I very much appreciate and I’m grateful that you post the Visual Bible Verse of the Day on your church’s Facebook page. Thank you!