Cloud Covered Under the Law
Exodus 24:15-16 and Clouds Surround Longs Peak, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado.
“When Moses went up on the mountain, the cloud covered it, and the glory of the LORD settled on Mount Sinai. For six days the cloud covered it, and on the seventh day the LORD called to Moses from within the cloud.” Exodus 24:15-16
No Longer Cloud Covered
When God gave Moses the law He did so under clouds hidden on a mountain. The ancient Hebrews lived in bondage under the weight of the law. They found themselves unable to live up to God’s standard.
Today we live under a new light. Christ came and fulfilled the law. He freed us from attempting to earn our righteousness through it. When we choose to follow Jesus we no longer live under a cloud of bondage, but in and under His light.
Read about Moses encounter with in Exodus 24 and other chapters in Exodus.
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this is a very powerful picture. I just read from 2 Corinthians “ but we, with unveiled face, beholding His glory…”. I am so very very thankful that Christ has been revealed to us who are saved and we see Him with eyes of faith! Very soon, we shall see Him in the clouds! He soon shall descend with a shout and we who are alive snd remain shall we caught up with Him in the air. We shall ever be with our Beloved Jesus. Even so, come quickly, Lord.
It will be a glorious day when He returns and takes us with Him.
Exquisite photography- you are so gifted. Thank you for sharing this lesson with us.
Thanks Bebe! And you’re welcome!