To a Mountain to Pray
Mark 6:46 and the Olympic Mountain Range, Olympic National Park, Washington State.
“And after He [Jesus] had taken leave of them, He went up on the mountain to pray.” Mark 6:46 (ESV)
Jesus Went to a Mountain
Many times the Bible tells us that Jesus went to the wilderness or to a mountain to spend time in prayer and to be with His Father. As an outdoor enthusiasts I love that about Christ. With Jesus as my example and through personal experience I have learned the value of spending time alone with God in His creation.
Getting outside in nature is a good idea. Getting outside in nature and drawing near to God through prayer is even a better idea!
Read all of Mark 6.
I appreciate how you identify a personal trait of Christ Jesus with your own, it makes your walk with him so personal. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Sonya! We all have our own ways to personally relate to Jesus.
Orar no monte é sem dúvida uma maravilha. Pois, muitas vezes temos que orar em particular somente com o Senhor Jesus, pois, temos muitas coisas que só devem ser confidenciadas ao Senhor Jesus.
Desde que me converti, sempre fui aos montes para orar e falar com Jesus. Tenho recebido forças espirituais, revelações, livramentos, curas pra mim e para a minha querida família. Como posso deixar de orar nos montes? Já vi livramentos na minha frente, quando uma serpente ficou de pé para me picar e na hora Deus me livrou e a serpente saiu correndo e entrou dentro do mato. Não precisei matá-la. Sinceramente, a minha felicidade é estar me relacionando com DEUS, o meu PAI.
Deus abençoe vocês.
Thank you Samuel. Keep praying in the hills! May God continue to meet you there and bless you with his goodness and his presence.