Get My Newsletter and Ten Quick Photography Tips

Thanks for being interested in my Newsletter and PDF “Ten Quick Photography Tips to Improve Your Photography” and how to draw near to God through photography blog. I have discovered that nature photography is a great way to connect with God. To help you get greater enjoyment out of your nature photography, I created this PDF. Four of the tips in the PDF are listed here. Use the form below or click here to get the the complete PDF.

These tips apply to all cameras (yes, even phones) and almost all types of photography. I broke the tips down into three categories—1) Composition  2) What and When  3) Taking the Photo. On this page I listed two tips from Composition and one each form What and When  3) Taking the Photo. You’ll find the rest of the tips on the PDF download. I also have a bonus tip on the PDF, that I consider the most important one.

My First Four Quick Photography Tips

1)- Rule of Thirds

A great way to improve your photography is by understanding the rule of thirds. Imagine a tic-tac-toe grid placed on top of a photo. Where the lines intersect are the “sweet spots.” We should place the key elements of our photographs in the sweet spots.  Horizon lines should appear in the upper third or in the lower third portion of a photograph. Avoid placing horizon lines in the middle of the photo.

The photograph of the elk gives a simple and easy to understand diagram of the rule of thirds.

2) Pathways

Pathways in a photo give eyes a great way to “walk” through your photograph. Paths, walkways, streams, and roads work well for this. They give the viewer’s eye a place to enter a photograph and move through it. When done right, this makes for a very aesthetically pleasing photograph.

In this winter photo, the snowy boardwalk gives the viewers eyes a path to follow through the photograph.

3) Golden Hour

Golden hour refers to the time of day the sun is low in the sky. This happens right after sunrise and before sunset, and it is usually a bit longer than an hour. The low sun in the sky in the morning and the evening brings a warm coloration and brings out long shadows that define objects. In the winter months of northern latitudes, the sun never rises high in the sky and golden last most of the day. The best outdoor photographs of almost any subject are usually taken when the sun is low in the sky.

The low sun in the photograph with the fall trees helps make them glow and the color pop.

4) Do Not Overshoot

People tend to overdo it when taking photos. Instead, be deliberate as your photograph. Think about what you’re putting in your photo before shooting. Do not fire away without consideration. Remember to enjoy the moment with God and let the photos come from that.

In the photo of the red panda, I waited patiently for it to cross the log into the light and to where the background was cleaner. Waiting and watching a subject helps you enjoy it as you photograph.

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