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Blog: Log Bridges of Life — 10 Comments

    • Marcy, I thank for your comments. Since they all basically ask the same question I won’t post all of them, unless you want me to.

      The basic massage is don’t focus on your situation, but focus on Christ and the plans He has for you”. When we focus on our current situation it disheartens and can cause us stumble in our walk with Christ. That same truth goes for most aspects of life. When we have problems we cannot focus on the problems, but the solutions. Focusing on problems and the trouble of our curtain situation only leads to depression and inaction. Focus on Christ and the solution.

    • Thanks Doug! I need to take my own advice right now. I have been having lots of web issues the last three weeks. It started with my layout be corrupted 3 different times. That problem has been solved, but this week I have been off line a couple times. That root cause is unknown. I am a one man show with little technical skill, so it has really been a drain on my time, energy and emotions. I need to keep focus.

  1. God bless you and your ministry. Keep your focus on what’s ahead of you ☺️. I pray God sends some techie into your life who will donate his time and efforts to permanently fixing your web issues!

  2. Yes, keeping our eyes on Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith is the only way to get there. My husband and I are planning a move from NY to FL for a job transfer which is good that he has job security, but it’s a bit overwhelming to think of all the details and logistics. Thank God He has everything all figured out. Guess we can just rest in the love of our father who is a good, good father. Your photos and stories are a blessing!

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