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Let the Birds Fly

Genesis 1:20 and a Seagull Flying above the Surf, Melbourne Beach, Florida.Seagull flying above the surf, Melbourne Beach, Florida and Genesis 1:20, Let birds fly

“And God said, ‘Let the waters swarm with swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the heavens.’” Genesis 1:20 (ESV)

Worship the One Who Made Birds Fly

Seagulls are a common site for those who live by large open bodies of water. Many even see them as nuisance birds when the clutter up beaches and dive bomb after our snacks. But even birds such as these have been gifted by God with the majestic ability to fly and hover. God made them beautiful and graceful when they cruise the air.

Whether seen in a bird or the ocean it flies over, the beauty and majesty of the creation compels us to worship it’s Creator. Worship God with your heart today.

Read the creation account in Genesis 1.

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