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Can we find Eden?

Did I Find Eden?

A pathway through an enchanted forest that reminded my heart of it’s longing to find Eden.

Can we find Eden? I think I did!

So where did I find Eden? I found it one morning on a late spring hike at one of my “go to” nature places.

I headed out that morning looking to record a few videos for my “Ten Quick Tips to Improve Your Photography” video series. I did record some videos, but I also experienced so much more.

I started my hike in a lightly wooded area then continued to walk through an open wetland meadow that ended abruptly at a thick wooded area. When I entered the woods, it was like teleporting into a different enchanted land that was worlds away. The sunny blue sky and open meadow gave way to a forested walkway under a rich green canopy.

An Emerald Castle

When I walked deeper into this emerald castle, I felt a tug in my heart drawing me further into its hollowed hallways. That tug spoke to me, and this castle reminded my heart of an enchanted home it longed for. It reminded my heart of a place called Eden.

That tug continued to lure me down the enigmatic passageways. I walked step by step and looked at the forest green and wondered, is this how green Eden was? Or perhaps it was even greener?

So, did I really find Eden? No, but I found something that reminded my heart of Eden. We see a little glimpse of Eden in nature, and it calls to our hearts and speaks of home. After all, God originally created Eden as place for humanity to live.

Our Hearts Long To Find Eden

How thick and green was the Garden of Eden?

The human heart longs for Eden; the garden that God originally created for us. Some people bury that longing deeper than others, but somewhere in everyone’s heart, they long to find Eden. My longing for Eden is not buried at all. It stands out above most other things occupying a place in my heart. I love seeking God in His creation.

As nature photographers, we can find Eden in many of the places we photograph and not just the places with rich green color. We can experience glimpses of Eden just about anywhere nature brightens the world. We catch those glimpses when photographing the flowers in our own backyard, the Rocky Mountains, the Pacific coastline or the wildflowers that grace the prairie. All those environments and the wildlife that lives there speak to our heart and we find a bit of Eden.

When we get out into nature, it reminds us of Eden. God created Eden and filled it with His creation. His presence was there too. Adam and Eve walked with God in the Garden. Today, we still long to walk with God in the beauty and peace of His creation.

Eden in Creation Today

The nature that exists today fails to compare to Eden in many ways. We can’t actually find Eden in our current world because of the fall of humanity and the decay that was brought into the world through sin (See Genesis chapter 3 in the Bible).  But getting in nature may be the best way to get peeks of Eden today. The outdoors is a great place to draw near to God.

God filled the outdoors with His creation. We can meet with Him amongst the singing birds, chirping crickets and the hum of cicadas. We can connect with Him when we while walk in a thick green forest, sit on the shores of lake, experience the might of mountains, or when photographing the wonders and beauty of nature

So, did I find Eden? No. But when we explore nature, with or without our cameras, we certainly can get visions and glimpses of Eden that touch our hearts and speak to us about God.

If you’d like to know more about drawing near to God through photography, send me a message or sign up for my newsletter.

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