Guest Post by Markos Kidane: Psalm 90:2 and the Mountains of South Gondar, Ethiopia.
“Before the mountains were born or You gave birth to the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, You are God.” Psalm 90:2
“When we consider the grandeur and majesty of the mountains, we can see how small and frail we are in comparison.
It seems that these giants have been around since the beginning of creation, but our Heavenly Father who created them, was there before them, and is infinitely bigger that them. Although He created everything seen and unseen, big and small, He cares about every detail of our lives.” Markos Kidane
See all of Psalm 90.
Today’s guest photographer post comes from Markos Kidane of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and is copyright © Markos Kidane. You can see more of his photography here.
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