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Seven Ways We can Use Social Media for Good?

Using Social Media for Good

How can we use social media for good when it comes to posting photos? Good question.

In my last post I wrote about social media and how the idea of posting a photograph to social media can get in the way of experiencing a moment. I mentioned that just thinking about posting a photo to social media can interrupt a moment we are having with God while photographing His creation. I also wrote that thinking about posting to social media can also interrupt moments we experience with others.

But I don’t want to leave you with the idea that posting photos to social media is all bad. I post photos to social media almost every day. And in doing so, I use it for good. I post photos to social media to minster to others. I have a Facebook page called Visual Bible Verse of the Day: Creation Speaks of God’s Art. On that page, I post photos and links from my website. So, we can definitely use social media for good.

Ways to Use Social Media for Good

Many other people do as I do, and post photos to social media with Bible verses. You can do the same as well, but we can also get more creative in how we use social media for good. Here are some ideas.

  1. When you post a photo to social media, tell of your experience in taking the photo. Maybe tell people how you encountered God in that moment. This is something I often do in my blog post, and in my correspondence through my newsletter.
  2. Explain to others of what the photography tells you about God or you how see God in the photo.
  3. Post a photo and ask people, “In what way does this photo speak to you about God?” Or “How do you see God in this photo?” I have done this before and gotten some great responses. Here’s a link to a Facebook post when I did this. You can read all the comments.
  4. Combine the above ideas of 2 and 3 in one post.
  5. Yes, post a photo with a Bible verse, but also explain why you posted the photo with that specific Bible verse or write a devotion to go with it.
  6. Use a photograph to illustrate a story of how God worked in a situation in your life.
  7. We can also simple post photos of God’s creation to show others who cannot go to such places. When we do so, we may want to write something in the post pointing people towards God

So that is a short list of different ways you can use social media for good with your photos. I would encourage you to add to the list with your own ideas. When you do, send your ideas to me. I would like to read them. Also, let me know what kind of replies and responses you get when you use one of the ideas I listed above.

So, we can definitely use social media for good when it comes to posting pictures. We can use our photos to tell others about the goodness and greatness of God through photos.

One Final Way

Here is one final way you can use your photos for good.  I run guest photographer posts on my website and social media pages. You can be a guest who can and have a photo run on my site. Just email me a quality photo with a Bible verse and a devotional thought. (You can visit the Guest Photographer link for more specific details.) I would welcome the opportunity to share your photos and devotional thoughts.

If you’d like to know more about drawing near to God through photography, sign up for my newsletter.

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