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I know My Redeemer Lives

Job 19:24 and the Total Eclipse of the Sun.The total eclipse of the Sun seen from Central Nebraska and Bible verse Job 19:24, my redeemer lives

“As for me, I know that my Redeemer lives and at the last He will take His stand on the earth.” Job 19:24

Our Redeemer Lives

In midst of His darkest hours, the Old Testament character Job came out with this great line of faith. The Book of Job reveals that he suffered many physical and emotional afflictions. He complained and question God as to why. But in the middle all His complaining He still had enough faith to declare that God lived and he knew God was his redeemer.

Even in our darkest hours God does not leave us. Like the moon blocks the sun in an eclipse, things in our lives may block our view from God. But just like the sun is still there, God is always there.

To learn about Job’s suffering read Job 19 and the book of Job.

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