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Our Crinkled Emotions and God

Psalm 6:3-4 and a Lone Faded Leaf, Fontenelle Forest, Bellevue, Nebraska.A lone faded fall leaf backlit by the evening sun, Fontenelle Forest, Bellevue, Nebraska. Visual Bible Verse of the Day: Psalm 6:3-4 and troubled emotions before God

“Be gracious to me, O LORD, for I am languishing; heal me, O LORD, for my bones are troubled. My soul also is greatly troubled. But you, O LORD—how long?” Psalm 6:3-4 (ESV)

Pouring Pure Emotions Before God

Sometime life makes us feel like we are a lone dry leaf left over from some long ago summer. We find ourselves crinkled, torn and alone.

Our emotions are real and the Bible does not cover up human emotions. The psalmist David’s real emotions must have made him feel crinkled and alone when he wrote Psalm 6. He poured out His feelings to God with raw honesty.

David sets an example for us here and in many other psalms. When life stinks, it’s okay to cry out to the Lord with pure, raw emotion. We have no need to worry about being too hard on God. He’s a big God. He can handle your pain. Cry out to Him. He is there for you.

Here are few psalms where David makes emotional pleas to God: Psalm 6, Psalm 22Psalm 38, Psalm 42, Psalm 55 and  Psalm 56

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