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A Unique Way To Deal with Burnout

This, That and Burnout

A burned out forest in Glacier National Park

It seems like there is always something to get done. There is this, there is that, and there is the other thing, and sometimes we see all of them as urgent. This is especially true for people who desire to serve others. But when we do and do and do, that leads to burnout. Unfortunately, burned out servants don’t serve very well.

For me, it seems like something or someone always wants my time and I can’t complete a task that I set out to do. Sometimes it’s my kids, sometimes it’s my day job, sometimes it’s stuff around the house and sometimes it’s the dog. Yes, even our pets can add to our burnout.

Something meant for our enjoyment can become a drain for us. For as I began to write this article, my dog suddenly decided she wanted to play with me. I was tempted to do so because I think I really don’t play with her enough, but I had to turn away from her and work.

I love my dog, and playing with her is a good thing. Most of the time playing with her acts a stress relief, be when she demands more of my time than I have to give her, she becomes stressful. And what is true with the dog, is true with the others that I love and things I love to do.

The Need to Get Away

We can find enjoyment in family, friends, pets work and serving, but when we get overloaded with even the things that we love, that creates burnout and sometimes we need to get away from all that we have on our plate.

I Have lots of favorite places to get a way. In my last post, I mentioned my garden as a place I find peace, and it is an easy place to get away. So is walking that dog who wants so much of my attention.

This is a photo from the Stream Trail in Fontenelle Forest. Fontenelle is one of my favorite places to get away from stress and burnout.

I have several other favorite ways to get away too, but nature photography is my best way to get away. Sometimes that’s as simple as photographing flowers around our house and in our garden, but it’s even better when I get into nature.

Stepping away from the man-made world and into nature, the God made world, really does put us into another world. It’s a world away from the noise and burnout, and a world where we can let our thoughts be free. And when we bring our cameras along, photography helps our mind drift even further away from what stresses us.

Burnout, Photography and Jesus

When we go out with our cameras into the woods or local nature area, photography can help us concentrate and think about what’s around us instead of what’s away from us. We can wonder as we wander about looking for things in God’s creation to photograph. We don’t have to find something spectacular. It can be something simple, that just catches our attention.

Focusing on God through this processes helps us connect with Him and refreshes our heart. Our God connection and refreshed heart takes away our burnout and makes us better equipped to serve others. So by getting away, we are not being selfish, but building ourselves up so we can better give.

I can guarantee you that people will be blessed by you spending time outside with God and your camera growing in relationship with Him.

Fireweed is one of the first flowers in Montana that blossoms after an area has been burned by fire. When we are burned out, it’s good for us to get away, so we can blossom again.

And Jesus set the example for us. He didn’t have a camera, but Luke 5:16 says, “Jesus Himself would often slip away to the wilderness and pray.” Jesus got away to meet with God, and we should also.

So when there is this, there is that, and there is the other thing, take time to step away with your camera. When you do, you’ll be refreshed by getting away and connecting with God, making you better able to serve.

As for my dog, she decided to take a nap while I wrote this. Now that I’m done, I think will go out and play!

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