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Blog Post: Creation and the Greatness of God

(The Greatness of God Part 2: Biblical Themes in Nature)

The magnificient mountains in our National Parks reveal something about the greatness of God

My wife and I love to visit our National Parks. We both agree that Glacier National Park in Montana is our favorite. Those who follow The Visual Verse of the Day know I often post photos from Glacier. We even named our dog “Montana” because we so admire the park and surrounding area.

What we admire most about Glacier is the sculpted mountains and the abundant wildlife. These sculpted mountains are how Glacier got its name. Enjoy Your Parks’ Website states; Glacier got its name from “the incredible glaciation that occurred during the last ice age.” The glaciation that occurred gives the mountains their rugged majestic look that my wife and I and countless of others enjoy. The mountains inspire awe and point to something greater than themselves.

God in our National Parks

My wife enjoys God’s greatness revealed a sunset at one of our favorite national parks

Visitors to America’s National Park know that Glacier does not stand alone in its majesty. The parks build a sense of awe to those who visit. They have done this for generations. One of the first Caucasian Americans to enter Yosemite Valley was a young 19th century doctor named Lafayette Bunnel.  Bunnel stood in amazement at the site of the valley. In the mini-series Our National Parks: America’s Best Idea produced by Ken Burns gives us Bunnel’s thoughts of the occasion. “As I looked, a peculiar exalted sensation filled my whole being and I found my eyes in tears with emotion. I said with some enthusiasm, ‘I have hear seen the power and glory of a Supreme Being. The majesty of his handiwork is in that testimony of the rocks.’” (emphasis mine)

Bunnel knew “the testimony of the rocks” spoke of someone greater. Anyone who spends time in our national parks or anywhere in the vast outdoors sees it too. Creation declares the greatness of God. The glory and majesty of the mountains point to the far greater transcendent glory and majesty of their Creator. When we see the greater things of nature (and even the lesser things of nature) we can’t help but marvel. Something reaches inside us and speaks to our hearts. Whether one believes in God or not, we all see His handiwork and feel His presence there. Now, many deny that the true source is God and worship the creation, but by doing so they fall short and do not completely experience the magic in the moment.

God’s Greatness is Everywhere

Even the little things in nature reveal touches of God’s greatness.

Nature reveals the greatness of God in many ways. We can easily see the creator’s greatness when we watch a sunrise from the shore of the ocean or a great lake. We also see His greatness when we stand on the top of a mighty mountain or at an overlook in a national park.  We can see God’s greatness in anywhere, not just in these magnificent places.  Whenever we spend time in the outdoors, study it, enjoy it and think about God in it, we can see His greatness.  We can simply take a walk in the woods or in a park close to home or examine the flowers and bugs in a garden or even set up a bird feeder and see the greatness of God in the birds that he has given the gift of flight.

God’s creation clearly reveals His greatness. All one needs to do is open one’s eyes.

The next post in the four-part series will examine how nature reveals human sin.  The final post will look at God’s redeeming grace seen in nature. Click here to for part one.

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