Thank you for signing up for the Visual Verse of the Day! Below are your free photo downloads! All the nature photo’s of God’s creation are combined with bible Verses. There are three sets of photos to download. One is for seasonal images, one is for mountain and desert scenes and one is for wildlife photos. Click on each download icon to download all three. Don’t forget to download all three.

Winter scene photo of snow and  hoarfrost. An outdoor nature scene for outdoor lovers

Download Seasonal Images with the button below.

[sdm_download id=”934″ fancy=”0″]

Click the button above to download your free desktop photos of seasonal images with verses.


A mountain in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado. A rock climber's dream. An outdoor challenge. God, Bible, Christian.

Download Mountain and Desert Scenes below.

[sdm_download id=”937″ fancy=”0″]

Click the button above to download your free desktop photos of mountain and desert scenes with verses.


A Bald eagle a favorite wildlife photo. God, Bible, Christian.

Download the wildlife photos below.

[sdm_download id=”940″ fancy=”0″]

Click the button above to download your free desktop photos of wildlife photography images with verses.




Visual Verse desktop Downloads — 33 Comments

  1. You capture the beauty the Lord created for all of us, thank you for sharing your gift and for the free downloads of these beautiful pictures the Lord created!

  2. I cannot download because it appears that Safari cannot download.
    I’m not quite sure how to download this three sets of pics. now.
    Needing assistance.
    Thank you,

  3. Thank you so much, for all your time that you spend on all of us.. May you and your whole family Be Blessed By our Magnificent God!

    One of His

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