Very Good Creation
Genesis 1:31 and Trees of the Hoh Rainforest, Olympic National Park, Washington State.
“God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.” Genesis 1:31
God’s Very Good Creation
Sometimes when I look at nature my heart experiences a feeling of delightful contentment. I take pleasure in what my eyes behold and what my ears hear. I want to look at it, listen to it and take it all. When I do so I just don’t feel good, I feel very good!
The term “very good” in our English Bibles comes from the *Hebrew phrase “tov (or toab) meod.” That Hebrew phrase is actually a term of beauty that described how incredible artistically pleasing something is. Brian S. Chan, in His book on God and beauty entitled The Purple Curtain, says the Hebrew “tov meod” is a term of artistic and aesthetic delight.
When God created, He created a very good creation with a deep pleasing beauty He delighted in! Like God, I delight in His creation too.
Read Genesis 1 and learn God’s creative artistry.
*Hebrew was the original language of the Bible’s Old Testament
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